Crossing The Fence
We learn at an early age that there are fences in our everyday life that shouldn't be crossed. ..We're told to leave the stove top alone, then when we disobey, we learn that it's hot and it burns! ..We're told to leave the kitchen knife alone! Then when we disobey, and end up cutting ourseleves, we learn that it is sharp and dangerous.
What most people learn is that just because we can do something,
doesn't mean that we should!

Fertilizer bombs are a way of life for the loggers in Washington and elsewhere. For economic reasons, they use them to remove tree stumps as they clear an area. Just because some people know how to make fertilizer bombs, didn't give Timothy McVey the right to decide to destroy a nursery full of children in Oklahoma City with one. He was executed on May 16, 2001 for his evil act!

In Varner, Arkansas, Christina Marie Riggs was having trouble in her own life. She crossed a fence that ultimately resulted in her murdering her two young children. On May 2, 2000, she was the first woman in more than 150 years to be excuted in Arkansas for her crime!

We Americans as a people, hang on to 'the right to bear arms'. Just because some people have guns and think they know how to shoot them, didn't give the teens in the Columbine High School of Middleton, Colorado, the right to slaughter their fellow classmates!

{-- Top Ten Evil People --}  The Scales of Good and Evil  {--Top Ten Good People --}
In September of 1998, a seventeen year old boy discovered that the Comic Chat Character Editor would accept any graphic file for creating a Comic Chat character AVB. So he put a photograph of a dildo in it and created the first 'over the fence' AVB file. ( His 'Prodigy' web site was ). This AVB file was inappropriate and any user who used it promptly got kicked out of a chat room!

Since that first 'atzlan' AVB, there have been many other 'over the fence' AVB's made. Some are violent, some are 'suggestive', some are dehumanizing women, while others are outright porn! Like that first AVB, these others should not be tolerated in any chat room either! Yet, the makers of them are shouting, screaming, and kicking in defense of their 'over the fence' AVB's.

Who are these people, really? Are they petifiles protecting their sickness? Are they prisoners locked up in a State penitentury with a computer pretending to be some innocent citizen? Are they young teenagers misrepresenting their age trying to 'get away with something'? Are they one of the 'Ten Top Evil People' (see link above)

One creator/protector of these 'over the fence' AVB's says that some of her female in bathing suit AVB's are what anyone would see at a beach!

As a California beach person, I can say that some of the things some women wear on Mediterranian beaches or even some Florida beaches would get them arrested here in California.

So do we have the right to cross the fence, just because we can???

Well ...The following are excerpts from some of the more popular Web Host Server's 'Terms Of Service' agreements:

NBCI [ Now defunct ]
No one shall or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent information of any kind, including without limitation, any images or other material depicting Nudity as herein defined; (iii) post or transmit comments containing harassing or offensive language, including sexual references, sexual nicknames, racial slurs, hate propaganda, hate mongering, swearing, or rude or deliberately offensive comments, ...

...You may not publish any material that is grossly offensive to the general on-line community, including but not limited to, exploitation of children, blatant expressions of bigotry, hatred, harassment, defamation, invasion of privacy or excessive profanity (cursing). This includes material that defames, abuses, harasses or threatens any person or group. We reserve the right to be the final judge as to what is or is not acceptable.
Adult content is not allowed. Adult content is considered to be anything that contains nudity, pornography, or sexual material of a lewd, lecherous or obscene nature and intent, or that violates local, state or national laws.

... You agree that you will not use Lycos Network Products and Services to:
Upload, post, email, otherwise transmit, or post links to any Content, or select any member or user name or email address, that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, or racially, sexually, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.
Upload, post, email, otherwise transmit, or post links to any Content that promotes illegal activity, including without limitation the provision of instructions for illegal activity.
Upload, post, email, otherwise transmit, or post links to any Content that exploits the images of children under 18 years of age, or that discloses personally identifying information belonging to children under 18 years of age.
Harm minors in any other way.
Make any sexual request on behalf of a minor or make any sexual request of a minor.
"Stalk" or otherwise harass another.
OK, so there's the rules ...there's the fences, why else shouldn't we cross them?
Here's a quote from a really cool book:
"..whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things".



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This page created 11 April 2001
updated 28 March 2018
by Mermaid_Elizabeth

~Mermy :)